Psalm 23: God our Shepherd
Perhaps you have a photo album at home, with some of your favourite pictures in it. Well, the bible is a bit like a photo album containing ‘pictures’ of God. Perhaps one of the favourite pictures of God given to us in the bible is that of ‘God our Shepherd’. Read more
Perhaps you have a photo album at home, with some of your favourite pictures in it. Well, the bible is a bit like a photo album containing ‘pictures’ of God. Perhaps one of the favourite pictures of God given to us in the bible is that of ‘God our Shepherd’. Read more
The healing of the blind man
The Healing of the blind man. John 9: 1-41 2nd August, 2020 There’s a hymn, ‘Amazing Grace’ that has a line in it - ‘I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.’ ‘was blind but now I see’ could summarise the story we have just heard from John. Read more
The Healing of the blind man. John 9: 1-41 2nd August, 2020 There’s a hymn, ‘Amazing Grace’ that has a line in it - ‘I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.’ ‘was blind but now I see’ could summarise the story we have just heard from John. Read more
“I am the bread of Life”
“I am the bread of Life” John 6:1-15, 35, 47-51 Jesus made some great “I am” claims for himself, which we find in John’s gospel. I want to take one of these and think about it with you this morning. It is “I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst. Read more
“I am the bread of Life” John 6:1-15, 35, 47-51 Jesus made some great “I am” claims for himself, which we find in John’s gospel. I want to take one of these and think about it with you this morning. It is “I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst. Read more
The Compassion of Jesus
The Compassion of Jesus Mark 1: 40-42 6:30-34 Last Sunday we thought about one particular character trait of Jesus, namely his humility. This morning I’d like to think with you about his compassion. In the gospels we read how on several occasions Jesus had compassion on someone or towards others. One such occasion was when a leper came to him beseeching him, and kneeling said to him, “If you will, you can make me clean. Read more
The Compassion of Jesus Mark 1: 40-42 6:30-34 Last Sunday we thought about one particular character trait of Jesus, namely his humility. This morning I’d like to think with you about his compassion. In the gospels we read how on several occasions Jesus had compassion on someone or towards others. One such occasion was when a leper came to him beseeching him, and kneeling said to him, “If you will, you can make me clean. Read more
The Humility of Christ
The Humility of Christ Philippians 2:3-11 If I asked you to tell me what’s your friend like, you might include one or more of his/her noticeable character traits. What’s Jesus Like? This is a big subject, but this morning and next Sunday I’d like to focus on just one of his character traits. Read more
The Humility of Christ Philippians 2:3-11 If I asked you to tell me what’s your friend like, you might include one or more of his/her noticeable character traits. What’s Jesus Like? This is a big subject, but this morning and next Sunday I’d like to focus on just one of his character traits. Read more
Christ our Foundation
Christ our Foundation Every architect and builder knows the importance of stable solid foundations. If the stability and strength of buildings depends largely on their foundations, so does the stability and strength of our lives and church community. Today we are gathering again after several months of not being able to. Read more
Christ our Foundation Every architect and builder knows the importance of stable solid foundations. If the stability and strength of buildings depends largely on their foundations, so does the stability and strength of our lives and church community. Today we are gathering again after several months of not being able to. Read more
Forgiven and forgiving
Today I imagine a lot of people would be in the position of owing money to a finance company or bank, and some, due to unforseen circumstances, such as Covid 19, would be wondering how on earth they can meet the expected payments. Jesus told his disciples a parable (Matthew l8: 21-35) in which we hear of a man who must have felt like this because he had incurred a staggering debt. Read more
Today I imagine a lot of people would be in the position of owing money to a finance company or bank, and some, due to unforseen circumstances, such as Covid 19, would be wondering how on earth they can meet the expected payments. Jesus told his disciples a parable (Matthew l8: 21-35) in which we hear of a man who must have felt like this because he had incurred a staggering debt. Read more
The Second Coming of Jesus (part 2)
In last Sunday’s message we began to think about our “blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ." Titus 2:13 In this message we will continue to think about this second coming of Christ. When he “appears a second time” Heb. 9:28 it won’t be like his first coming. Read more
In last Sunday’s message we began to think about our “blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ." Titus 2:13 In this message we will continue to think about this second coming of Christ. When he “appears a second time” Heb. 9:28 it won’t be like his first coming. Read more
The Second Coming
On our calendars or in our diaries we might have some special future dates - anniversaries, birthdays etc. There’s a special future date on God’s calendar too - the coming of his Son Jesus. “They will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory”. Read more
On our calendars or in our diaries we might have some special future dates - anniversaries, birthdays etc. There’s a special future date on God’s calendar too - the coming of his Son Jesus. “They will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory”. Read more
The Holy Trinity
Augustine, while puzzling over the doctrine of the Trinity, was walking along the beach one day when he observed a young boy with a bucket, running back and forth to pour water into a little hole. Augustine asked, ‘What are you doing?’ The boy replied, ‘I'‘m trying to put the ocean into this hole. Read more
Augustine, while puzzling over the doctrine of the Trinity, was walking along the beach one day when he observed a young boy with a bucket, running back and forth to pour water into a little hole. Augustine asked, ‘What are you doing?’ The boy replied, ‘I'‘m trying to put the ocean into this hole. Read more
Pentecost - the event, the explanation, the effects.
“Pentecost” - the event, the explanation, the effects. Over a number of Sundays since Easter day we have been thinking about the resurrection of Jesus, and last Sunday we thought about his ascension to heaven, to the right hand of his Father. Ten days after his ascension, the disciples of Jesus “were all filled with the Holy Spirit…” Acts 2:4 Read more
“Pentecost” - the event, the explanation, the effects. Over a number of Sundays since Easter day we have been thinking about the resurrection of Jesus, and last Sunday we thought about his ascension to heaven, to the right hand of his Father. Ten days after his ascension, the disciples of Jesus “were all filled with the Holy Spirit…” Acts 2:4 Read more
The Ascension of Jesus
‘The Ascension of Jesus’ Ps 8, Luke 24:44-53, Acts 1:1- Over several Sundays we have been thinking about the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and what it means. So, where did we ‘go’ from here? Well, where did Jesus go? ‘Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands he blessed them. Read more
‘The Ascension of Jesus’ Ps 8, Luke 24:44-53, Acts 1:1- Over several Sundays we have been thinking about the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and what it means. So, where did we ‘go’ from here? Well, where did Jesus go? ‘Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands he blessed them. Read more
If Christ has not been raised then…
“If Christ has not been raised then… But in fact Christ has been raised”… 1 Corinthians 15: 1-28,58 In this message I’d like to conclude our recent series on the resurrection of Jesus Christ by looking at Paul’s teaching in his letter to the church at Corinth as we find it in 1 Cor 15: 1-28 and verse 58. Read more
“If Christ has not been raised then… But in fact Christ has been raised”… 1 Corinthians 15: 1-28,58 In this message I’d like to conclude our recent series on the resurrection of Jesus Christ by looking at Paul’s teaching in his letter to the church at Corinth as we find it in 1 Cor 15: 1-28 and verse 58. Read more
Encounters with the risen Lord!
We are continuing our reflections on the wonderful, great truth of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this message let’s reflect on the story as we find it in Luke 24:13-49. The first part of this story or reading, could perhaps be summarised as : From burdened faces to burning hearts to bounding feet! Read more
We are continuing our reflections on the wonderful, great truth of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this message let’s reflect on the story as we find it in Luke 24:13-49. The first part of this story or reading, could perhaps be summarised as : From burdened faces to burning hearts to bounding feet! Read more
“He is not here; for he has risen, as he said…”
Sunday 3rd May 2020 Alex Bainton “He is not here; for he has risen, as he said. Come see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:6 Jesus has risen! He has been resurrected, but what is the significance of this? I’d like to explore this a bit. Firstly, resurrection isn’t resuscitation. Read more
Sunday 3rd May 2020 Alex Bainton “He is not here; for he has risen, as he said. Come see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:6 Jesus has risen! He has been resurrected, but what is the significance of this? I’d like to explore this a bit. Firstly, resurrection isn’t resuscitation. Read more