
It had to be Jesus

Signposts for life

How to live in an uncertain world?
Hebrews 12:25-29. Theme: How may we live in an uncertain world? Sermon by Pastor David Williams. Strathalbyn Church of Christ. 10 July 2022. In 2018, villagers on the Island of Sulawesi were astonished when the solid ground under them turned to mud. It is called liquefaction, a rare effect during earthquakes. Read more

How shall we live in a hostile world?
Hebrews 12:12-17. Theme: How shall we live in a hostile world? Sermon by Pastor David Williams. Strathalbyn Church of Christ. 26 Jun 2022 Some people really hate Christians. Internet comments pull in the most venomous and extreme opinions. They show humanity at its worst. Hostility against Christians is common there. We need to understand something of the attitude that these people bring so that we can keep engaging with our world, our hostile world – not on their terms, but in Christ’s terms, that is, in truth and in love. Read more

A tale of Two Mountains
Hebrews 12:18-24. Theme: A tale of Two Mountains. Sermon by Pastor David Williams. Strathalbyn Church of Christ. 19 June 2022. A tale of Two mountains. A friend lived in terror of death. She went to church, she prayed, but because of her past, she convinced herself that God would never accept her. Read more

God disciplines those he loves
Heb 12:3-11 Theme: God disciplines those he loves. Sermon by Pastor David Williams. Strathalbyn Church of Christ. 12 Jun 2022. Mary is a young girl in Pakistan. Her family belongs to that tiny minority who follow Christ. She would love to go to school like others in her village but cannot, for she is a Christian. Read more

Consider Jesus
Hebrews 12:1-3 Theme: Consider Jesus. Sermon by Pastor David Williams. Strathalbyn Church of Christ. 22 May 2022. Today’s passage has 3 simple but vital messages 1. Consider their faith 2. Consider our faith 3. Consider Jesus. 1. Consider their faith The previous chapter (Heb 11) lists some of the OT saints. Read more

Faith & Doubt
Hebrews 11:1-6. Theme: Faith & Doubt. Sermon by Pastor David Williams. Strathalbyn Church of Christ. 15 May 2022. We all doubt. We doubt because we can’t know everything, and what we know, or think we know, is tainted by sin. So we doubt who we can trust, and what we can believe in and rely on. Read more

Reasonable Faith
Hebrews 11:1-3; Ps 19:1-6. Theme: Reasonable Faith. Sermon by Pastor David Williams. Strathalbyn Church of Christ. 20 Feb 2022. What is faith? Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, being convinced of what we do not see, Heb 11:1_._ Faith is a solid certainty that gives us complete confidence. Read more

Living by Faith
Hebrews 11. Theme: Living by Faith. Sermon by Pastor David Williams. Strathalbyn Church of Christ. 13 Feb 2022. An arborist is trapped in a tree. A sudden split in the trunk has left him pinned by his own ropes. His buddy on the ground sees his plight, sends up another rope and climbs to the rescue. Read more

Our shared hope
Heb 10:19-39 Theme: Our shared hope. Sermon by Pastor David Williams. Strathalbyn Church of Christ. 16 Jan 2022. Pray: open our ears to receive your word to us today, Lord Jesus, Amen. Remember waiting outside the headmaster’s office? You didn’t want to be there. Would he throw the book at you? Read more

God wants obedience, not sacrifice
Heb 10:1-18. Theme: God wants obedience, not sacrifice. Sermon by Pastor David Williams. Strathalbyn Church of Christ. 2 Jan 2022. Someone convicted of a crime can have their record wiped after ten years. But does that cleanse their conscience? Even after 20 years, I doubt that an offender could look straight into the eyes of their victim. Read more

Jesus our High Priest
Sometimes there can be a ‘falling out’ or breakdown in a relationship between two people, or between 2 groups, and someone is needed to bring the two together into harmony and to restore the relationship. We might call such a person a ‘mediator’ or a ‘go-between’, or an ‘intermediary’. In the Jewish religion such a person was called a ‘priest’ or ‘high priest’ Read more