Our God Runs!
Luke 15:20
Preacher: David Williams
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Lk 15 Theme: God ran. Communion talk by Pastor David Williams.
Strathalbyn Church of Christ. 9 Oct 2022.
Jogging was not a habit in the ancient world. Running was for children and for servants. But all stood aside when elders by. Their honour was measured by their dignified pace.
Now one had shamed the community. A prodigal. He shamed his father by asking for his share – he couldn’t even wait for the old man to die. He shamed his community by squandering the lot and becoming a pig herder – a thing unheard of in Israel.
The community watched – for any chance to wipe out this shame.
The prodigal knew they were watching and he feared the gauntlet that he must run. The gauntlet of shame that he must run as the whole community flung insults and filth and stones upon him.
Another watched too – Luke records,
But while the prodigal was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion and ran and embraced him
His father … ran
His father ran – a thing unheard of in Israel.
Old men do not run.
Yet his father ran.
His father ran the gautlet of shame instead of his son.
God became man, to run the gauntlet of shame in our place
Our God ran.
In our shame, Jesus runs to us. Our God ran.
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Series: Communion talk
Topics: #Communion