Fake Faith

Matthew 7:13-29

Preacher: David Williams

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Mt 7:13-29. Fake religion. Sermon by Pastor David Williams.

Strathalbyn Church of Christ. 19 Mar 2023.

How do you pick a fake? An engineer friend needed a special tool for cutting mortises into metal. His old German tool was getting worn after many years and he found a copy on the internet. They looked identical. But the new one cracked the first time it was used – it was good for nothing. Today’s passage is about fakes. Fakes within the church. Jesus’ teaching is in four parts.

1. No fence sitting!

2. Beware false prophets!

3. Do what you say!

4. Do what you hear!

1. No fence sitting!

13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

For many religion is like making a salad. Start with some pop psychology and a bit of Buddhist mindfulness. I’ll add in Jesus but only the nice bits. Sufi poems will insert an exotic flavour. This is how people create their own religions.

Two gates

Our world is full of choices. Yet Jesus says there are only two – the narrow gate and the wide gate. Some say: Jesus is an intolerant bigot. It is my right to choose who I am, what to think and how to live my life. Jesus’ teaching follows the OT. Psalm 1 also teaches two ways: the way of the righteous who will stand like a tree planted next to a stream, and the way of the wicked who will be blown away like chaff.

Two destinations

… leads to destruction

… leads to life

Blown away like chaff. Or as Jesus puts it, life or destruction. Heaven or hell. Do you remember the Pearl of Great Price – sell all you have; give us everything else and make it your one ambition to gain that Pearl. For the alternative is too terrible to contemplate. Jesus spoke of the fool who builds on sand. Only fools choose hell. Imagine a place where there is no love or kindness, no beauty, no friends, no life, no hope, nothing that is good.

Two ways

For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction,

But perhaps you would like to go to hell? Let me tell you how. No problem. Just relax, sit back and enjoy the ride. There are no rules, no difficulties. For the gate is wide and the way is easy. Just go with the flow and you’ll be there before you even know it.

For some it starts with losing their faith. Backsliding is the old term. Usually it is not a sudden decision, but a drifting away - like a boat with a broken mooring that ends up far out in the ocean. It starts with your Bible getting dusty. If you find yourself thinking of God or hell, switch on the telly to distract your attention. Stop mixing with Christians. Whatever you do, don’t help in any ministry.

But the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life

We need to be careful with our message. Does it line up with Jesus’? This is from one church website:

We offer a loving and friendly atmosphere … come away from our services refreshed and with a greater sense of purpose and positivity.

Jesus would have failed as a marketing manager for some churches. If you preach a soft message, you end up with soft Christians. But Jesus told his would-be followers that his way is hard and narrow. Billy Graham did not water down his message. He preached on the reality of hell. He warned of the need for total repentance, of abandoning your life for Jesus. And people responded. Not for a day or a week, but a lifetime.

It takes effort to walk the hard road and we can’t do it alone. Christ did not create a mass of isolated Christians but a band of followers. He sent his Spirit to unite us under his headship. We are warned not to neglect meeting as some are doing (Heb 10). We need one another. If you think you are bullet proof – more fool you – then perhaps some brother or sister needs your counsel and example. Meeting together and encouraging one another is essential, for the way is hard that leads to life. We need one another.

True freedom?

Some who leave the faith speak of the relief and freedom they now feel. No longer do they have to believe in what God tells them. No longer do they have to obey him. They can broaden their mind and believe anything they want. They can do whatever they like. Really? The world’s freedom is a terrible tyranny. The Book of Common Prayer says “the burden of sin is intolerable”. Jesus said,

Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin, Jn 8:34 (cf., Gal 5:1, Ro 6:6, 16, 23; 2 Pet 2:19).

No free choice about it! But Christ’s hard and narrow way is in truth ‘an easy yoke’, ‘a light burden’, Mt 11:30. Only Jesus offers true freedom.

If the Son sets you free you are free indeed! Jn 8:36.

The world offers a mirage of freedom. Like fairy floss, it tastes sweet but is soon gone leaving nothing but diabetes and tooth decay.

Two groups.

and those who enter by it are many.

and those who find it are few.

There are 2 gates, 2 destinations, 2 ways and 2 groups – the many and the few. Christians are typically a minority. Revivals may bring massive conversions, but typically the work of mission and evangelism is slow and hard. A faithful couple worked for 10 years on Italian campuses. Hours invested in learning Italian meant they could converse fluently. They began with a tiny group of a half a dozen. Those students moved on and were replaced by others. Day after day, they proclaimed the gospel – in rented halls, in small groups, in street conversations. Yet all that they had to show for their ten years of toil, language study and prayer was another half a dozen students. They returned to Australia defeated and heartbroken.

But God doesn’t count success as we do. What Jesus wants is our faithfulness, not our results. The angels rejoice over a single sinner who repents. Jesus is the good shepherd who goes in search of the one lost sheep.

Will those who are saved be few? Jesus was asked. Jesus did not speculate but instead replied,

Strive to enter by the narrow door, Lk 13:23, 24.

This too should be our response. We have God’s promise that the church will be a great multitude that no one can number. These are the only numbers that matter in the end.

2. Beware false prophets

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

Almost every book of the NT warns against false teachers and false prophets. Church history is full of examples. Just as weeds always turn up in your lawn, false teachers are always present in the church. These prophets are extremely dangerous. Have you seen the damage that two or three dogs can do on a flock of sheep? They kill and injure dozens in a night and leave the rest scattered in utter terror.

When you find the owners, and point to their beloved mut with blood still on its jaw, they say, Surely he could never do any harm? So it is with false prophets. They are popular teachers, kind pastors. Surely, they could never do any harm? Yet they stop people finding the narrow gate. They deny that Jesus is the only way; and teach all roads lead to God. They deny the destruction Jesus warned about. They look and sound like the genuine article. They are good at what they do – at lying, at disguise. Paul warned that Satan masquerades as an angel of light. They quote the Bible. They have a word from God. They pray, preach and praise with great fervour. And yet they are rotten at the core. Looking like a true sheep, the flock trusts them. You might have noticed, Sheep are not the most discerning of animals. But frankly, neither are Christians. We too can be too trusting, too gullible, too easily led.

There is truth in the writings of pagan philosophers. There is truth in the writings of heretics. That is how they deceive. They come in the clothing of real sheep. It is good to read widely and be aware of what others think. Paul did this, he quoted pagan poets. But why did he do this? Because he was interested in their philosophy? He did it so that he could speak the gospel in their language, in their terms, in ways they could understand – not because he thought he would find the truth there.

Truth mixed with lies can be very convincing. Let’s use an example. Today the word drug can mean both aspirin and crack cocaine. It had this dual meaning in ancient times – the word pharmakeia was used for magic potions and sorcery as well as reliable herbal remedies. From pharmakeia we get our word pharmacy. Conspiracy theories have been invented around this word. They point out that pharmakeia meant sorcery – true, that was one of its meanings. Therefore, today’s chemists are sorcerers – false. Therefore, COVID vaccines are a Satanic plot – false. Perhaps unwisely, AMCAL has added fuel to this fire by changing its name – of all things – to Wizard! That proves our claim, the conspiracists argue. Sad to say, many Christians are taken in by this nonsense. A little truth is used to make ridiculous claims. I’m happy to discuss this further if anyone wants to. I know it is something that worries and confuses some.

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

How do we pick the wolves then? There are two tests for any teachers – we must weigh their words and their deeds. Their words – always check what the preacher is saying against God’s word. Good preaching will not contradict God’s word. Like the Bereans with Paul, you should examine the scriptures to see whether my preaching is true.

Their deeds – does their life match their teaching? Jesus changes the metaphor from a wolf to a tree. Thornbushes cannot pretend to be fig trees.

16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?

They preach on love, joy and peace – are these fruits evident in their own lives? Does the likeness of Christ show in their character, in their conduct, and in those they influence?

3. Do what you say!

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’

These people had everything – or so it seemed.

They had the right person – speaking to Jesus with respect and passion, Lord, Lord

They had the right theology – doing their works in the name of Jesus – three times.

And they had the works to prove it. Supernatural ones no less – prophecies, miracles, casting out of demons. And they did them too – this is no idle boast, for Jesus said that great signs and wonders will be performed by false Christs and false prophets, Mt 24:24, 2 Thes 2:9, 10.

So what was the problem? Everything.

23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.’

They had the words but not the heart. As Luke puts it,

Why call me “Lord, Lord” and not do what I tell you? Lk 6:46.

They were evildoers.

They knew all about Jesus – they talked about him, prayed in his name - but they did not **_know _**him – for Jesus did not know them. Some know a lot about God – professors of theology - but they don’t know him.

I never knew you – these are terrible and terrifying words. I hope none of us will ever hear them. Do you know Jesus? You may have come to church for years. You may pray every day. You may have taught children and adults from the Bible. But do you know Jesus? We should test ourselves – Paul urges this:

Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves, 2 Cor 13:5-8.

Now that is one message I’d like you to hear if you need to hear it but there is another message I’d like others to hear - those with tender consciences. Some truly know God but keep doubting it. Some are not sure if you know him even though he really knows you. Can I offer some advice if that is you.

On a day-to-day basis, we doubt, we sin, we forget, we get confused. But take a long-term view. Remember what your life was like before you knew Jesus, or when you were an immature Christian. Has your faith changed you? Look at the fruit of the Spirit. Are you more patient, more generous, more ready to forgive? Have others seen such changes in you. That is a more reliable test than whether I’m feeling spiritual today. I think most days I’d fail that test – feeling spiritual!

So we are to do what we say. We are also to do what we hear.

4. Do what you hear!

You may think coming to church, listening to sermons, reading the Bible – are good things. Yes they are, but for some they are a waste of time. Some will hear the gospel. They will hear the very voice of God. And they will then do nothing. It makes not an ounce of difference to how they live. Friends, if you are in that situation, beware and be warned! Jesus is not preaching here to pagans but to Jews. Jews who read God’s word and attended the synagogue daily. Christians who go to church and read Christian websites. Those who hear and do not change are in great danger.

24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them…

26 And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them…

The latter is

like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.

I remember the first time I mixed concrete. I had seen it done and so knew all about it didn’t I? No need to read the instructions! So I got a bag of cement – found some dirt that would do for sand. Added a few rocks. And a generous amount of water to make it easy to mix. No need to clear the ground, for the grass would serve for reo. I formed it up and let it dry – for an hour or two. Just in time for the rain was coming. Quite a storm too. The first thing that got washed away was my beautiful concrete construction!

What a wasted effort. All that time, money and work for nothing. How much of our lives are spent building things that will not last?

Unless the Lord builds the house,
those who build it labour in vain
, Ps 127.

What will last? The kingdom of God. Are you on board? Are you hearing God’s word to you today? If so, how is your life changing?

You know your heart. God knows it. Others may not see any difference – two houses may look identical, but one has rotten foundations. The salt damp, the termites, the faulty footings – are all there unseen. What is seen is the marble bath and the parquetry floor. Then a storm comes and the whole structure collapses. Everything is destroyed. For the house was not built to stand against wind, rain and flood. It was not fit for purpose.

27 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.

Are you fit for purpose? Of course not. What a question! We are all weak fallible humans. Yet God calls us to bring life. We are the ones he chooses to do that. We can bring hope, healing and life to those in darkness. We can do these things not in our own strength, but if we hear and obey the King. If we hear but do not obey we achieve nothing.

Will your faith stand in a storm – when suffering comes? When a crisis comes? I’m not asking – will you grin and bear it – but will you turn in trust and hope to Jesus. Does suffering result in faith and hope or bitterness and despair? No suffering is easy, yet God uses suffering to build our faith, if we allow him to. By the way, our response to suffering is another sure test of true faith.

25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.


All will stand before the Lord as judge, but woe to those who saw clearly the way to life and did not take it. Woe to those who lead others astray. Woe to those who give lip service but do not know the Lord. And woe to those who build their lives on a man-made religion and not on Christ.

If you are not sure where you stand, please pray this prayer with me now:

Lord Jesus, you are the way, the only way to the Father. Thankyou that you have made that way by your death on the cross. Lord forgive me all my sins. I repent and am truly sorry for them all. I turn to you trusting in your death alone. Thankyou that you have set me free – free to love and serve you in the power of your Holy Spirit. In your name I pray, Amen.


· Stott J. R. W. (2020). The message of the Sermon on the Mount: Christian Counter-Culture (Revised). IVP Academic

Series: Matthew

Topics: #Matthew , #False prophets